Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy Success Using the Mind-body Link
Jan 18, 2025
WITHOUT gaslighting yourself by trying to “stay positive” or “just relax”.
Does this sound like your life right now?
🌈 Pressure
The amount of pressure you feel under to get pregnant is huge, you wish you could just switch off and enjoy the moment but it feels impossible.
🌈 “Just relax”
Your friends and family, maybe even your doctor, has uttered those two little words - “Just relax” which makes you feel like it’s your fault you’re not getting pregnant.
🌈 Isolated
Your friends just don’t get it, or you can’t talk to them about it and are most likely popping out babies without even trying which is infuriating and the fact you feel so jealous makes you feel like an awful friend.
If so then this masterclass is for you, I walk you through:
🌈 Beautiful coping and comfort techniques so you can reset quickly even during the first week of your cycle or a 2 week wait freak out.
🌈 The knowledge of how to maximise your chances of getting pregnant using your subconscious mind.
This is a pre-recorded class that I ran live in January
Instant access to class now
Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy Success in 2025 using the Mind-Body Link
Without gaslighting yourself by trying to stay positive or just relax.