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How to release frustration and anger

Jul 11, 2021

I was so wound up on Tuesday that I had to stick my wellies on my feet and set off into the woods for a second time as I knew I needed to shift my mood, shift my mindset, from one of frustration and anger to bring myself back to neutral. I talk about how to release frustration and anger and then set an intention of how you would like to feel and re-focus yourself. This podcast is a live example of the shift you can experience in just a short period of time when you choose to embrace your emotions and take positive action to support yourself rather than allowing a negative mindset to put a cloud over a full day.

Podcast episode for you:

Or search for ‘Embrace Fertility’ on your fave podcast player or listen on Anchor here. Let me know if this episode is has been helpful for you message me @embracefertility.

Support during IVF

Anxiety, overwhelm, anger, jealousy, depression and exhaustion. Just a few of the words my clients use to describe the repercussions of infertility.

Calm, understood, clarity, comfort, hopeful are used by the end of our sessions. I offer one-to-one fertility coaching and therapy via Skype and Zoom so work with clients all over the globe. I also offer sessions from my home in South Oxfordshire. To find out more see 1 to 1 suppo

Over to you

What change are you going to make today to help you be less stressed and happier on your journey to motherhood? Add a comment below or join the conversation in our online support community when you join my mailing list.

The Embrace Fertility Podcast

Go check it out the "Embrace Fertility" Podcast on your favourite podcast player – search for ‘Embrace Fertility’ or listen here.

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