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The 46th month is the charm!

miracle pregnancy Dec 21, 2020

Dreams do come trueDreams do come true!

Published 21st Dec 2014

At 19 I was diagnosed with endometriosis following excruciating periods, I was told extremely bluntly that having children may not be possible for me. 4 years ago this month I started trying to conceive and.....nothing... not a peep. My periods got worse (my 'medication' had been taking the contraceptive pill back-to-back so I only had 4 periods a year) and I was spending the first two days of my cycle in bed and the first five days on hard-core painkillers. 20 months of trying to conceive and following a failed stimulated IUI cycle I hit rock bottom and was signed off work with extreme anxiety and depression stemming from infertility. My periods were horrific, I was having daily panic attacks and I really was not coping.

Two years, a laparoscopy to remove cysts on both my ovaries, another three rounds of fertility treatment, a complete diet and lifestyle overhaul, many many hours of meditation and self-reflection, career changes for both me and the hubby and a miscarriage later I have news to share.

I am pregnant, naturally, for the first time in my life. Dreams do come true. I found out on my birthday in October. I know that setting up and running The Embrace Fertility Method is what has kept me going. Thank you every one of you for being part of this special group.


I'm still in shock. We had our 12 week scan last week, a day part of me thought may never happen. I am not one of those people who can say I knew that it was going to happen, if I was then I would not have got anxious and depressed. However learning mind-body techniques allowed me to regain my strength and happiness well before I fell pregnant. I hope my story gives you hope that no matter what you have been through or may go through things can change in a moment.

I have resurrected my favourite affirmation from Embrace which is:

I let go and trust that it is all happening perfectly.

This reminds me that although I need to look after myself and sending this baby positive vibes will let them know they are very much welcome, I am ultimately not in control of what happens so there is no point freaking myself out and trying to control everything!

Embrace Fertility

I will continue running Embrace Fertility as this is now my full-time occupation, alongside my hypnotherapy business, and I love being able to share the techniques which have helped me so much and I hope are helping many of you. 

Thrive - Free video series 

A deep dive into the science backed mind-body techniques to emotionally and energetically thrive while trying to conceive.

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