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Are you dreading the weeks ahead?
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year.
- You can't quite believe another ENTIRE year has gone by and you still don't have your baby.
- You've been putting so much pressure on yourself to be pregnant by the end of 2023 you might actually implode.
- You're not sure how you are going to get through the celebrations, the social gatherings and the never ending cheer.
I've got you
The coming weeks can be intense, the shopping, the preparation, the expectations, spending extended time with family, all the while having to look like you are really enjoying it.
Having a few tricks up your sleeve to keep yourself feeling sane and balanced is essential. In this class I will share:

Cognitive behavioural techniques to help you cope with the fact that this season probably isn't going to look how you wanted it to look.

Emotional freedom techniques to bring comfort, even after loss.

Ten comebacks to the question "When are you going to have a baby/another baby?

Feedback for my classes
Thanks so much that was really freeing and interesting!
Thank you for doing this Naomi! It was a relaxing visualisation experience 🙂
That’s really quite powerful ❤
I've been there....
I'm Naomi Woolfson, a mind-body therapist and coach specialising in fertility.
The techniques I share and teach are the ones that transformed not only the way I was approaching trying for a baby, but every other area of my life.
Learning mind-body techniques allowed me to regain my strength and happiness BEFORE I fell pregnant. I conceived on our final round of IVF three and a half years into trying for a baby but then miscarried and instead of plummeting into depression I felt hopeful and expectant for the future.
Three months later I conceived my son naturally and 23 months later I conceived my daughter, again naturally and on the first try!
I'm so excited to be able to share this with you.

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