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Utilise the power of the mind-body link

One-to-one support that is as unique as you are, guiding you when you need it most

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The Shift Package – 12 weeks of wrap around care


♥ Emotional support while trying to conceive

– Expert care at this most crucial time

♥ Clear psychological barriers to conception 

– Uncover and dissolve emotional and energetic blocks

♥  Double your chances of becoming pregnant

– Proven methods backed by scientific studies

♥ Prepare for pregnancy and parenthood

– Holistic support to ensure you feel ready for this next step

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The Dr had said, it may be hard for me to ever have children due to PCOS. Naomi and her support has been invaluable in helping me finally follow through on a fertility clinic referral and deal with the many emotions and challenges of infertility. Following just four months of ovulation induction and scans to help us time things, despite my ‘advanced maternal age’ (which is what the doctors call you if you’re over 35 – how sensitive of them!) of 45 I found out I was pregnant one week after our first IVF consultation. I’ve no doubt that all the work I’ve done with Naomi addressing my stress tendencies, releasing old thoughts and beliefs, to centre myself and reconnect with myself, has played a huge part in getting me to this point. My gorgeous healthy little boy is now 4 months old and we are besotted with him. I still can’t really believe he is here sometimes!

Maybe you are..

  • Worried about how long it’s taking to get pregnant
  • Wanting to improve your changes of success be that naturally or with the help of treatment
  • Struggling emotionally
  • Heartbroken by miscarriage
  • Overwhelmed by an infertility diagnosis or test results
  • In need of guidance on how to use your mind to support your desire to become a parent.

Your body is designed to get pregnant, stay pregnant and birth of your baby.

Hi I’m Naomi I’m a mind-body fertility coach and therapist. For the past nine years, I have worked to raise the level of understanding about an infertility diagnosis – from the debilitating emotional impact and the overwhelming feelings of sadness, helplessness and grief, to the simple yet powerful mind-body techniques that provide relief and build resilience during this highly emotive time and greatly increase the chances of conceiving.

Let’s talk

Would you like to discuss working together? Complete the contact form below and I’ll be in touch in the next 48 hours.

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You may be suffering from the following…

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Low AMH
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS
  • Diminished ovarian reserve
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Low sperm count
  • Low sperm quality 
  • Anxiety
  • High natural killer cells
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Secondary infertility
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Irregular periods
  • Painful periods
  • Still birth
  • Birth trauma
  • Birth anxiety

The Shift Package can support you through

Mind and body are one let’s stop treating them as two separate parts of you.


“I was having uncontrollable feelings of anxiety at different points in the day, every day and I couldn’t figure out what was causing them. Sleep wasn’t good and I felt like I was in a bad cycle and trying out lots of things to help but nothing was getting to the crux of the issue. I felt a shift during the session, not only emotionally but also physically! I had a huge release of tension that I had been carrying in my hips and belly for years. I felt like jelly! The shifts in thinking were also remarkable, so much more positive and happy in myself. I feel transformed, much more like the old me and more resilient. I felt safe to open up and also not pushed to say anything I wasn’t comfortable in saying. Looking back the anxiety I was experiencing was really debilitating and I didn’t really realise how much anxiety I was experiencing on a daily basis until it had gone.” 

The Embrace Fertility Method

Through my professional training, supporting women struggling with infertility for the past 8 years and my own personal experience of conceiving naturally following almost four years of infertility, IVF and miscarriage I have created The Embrace Fertility Method. Five steps that I use in my coaching and therapy sessions with one-to-one clients and as the foundation of my 12 week course the Embrace Fertility Method.

You may have tried some of these techniques in the past and loved them or loathed them. It’s not that they don’t work for you, you just need a tried and tested method of applying them in the correct order in a way that allows each technique to enhance and build on the one previous.


One to one sessions that are as unique as you are

The Shift Package guides my clients through a deep transformation. Time and time again women work with me just looking for ways to manage the stress of infertility. What they experience is coming to a place of acceptance, peace and of hope. 

I personally experienced this shift and conceived my son naturally after 46 months of infertility, four rounds of gruelling fertility treatment and a heartbreaking miscarriage.

There are many paths to parenthood. For some of us it is the miracle pregnancy we were told was near impossible, for others it’s reaching a place of acceptance to be able to pursue donor sperm or eggs, surrogacy or adoption.

Being able to make decisions from a place of love rather than fear is instrumental in how we view our journey, from the day we decide to become a parent until the day a child joins us.

If it does not feel safe for you to conceive, be pregnant, give birth and become a parent. Your subconscious mind may be trying its hardest to keep you safe.

This manifests in anxiety, overwhelm, sabotaging your own attempt to conceive.  It could be by indulging in activities that could negatively impact your fertility such as excessive exercise, drinking or overeating.

Or maybe it’s more subtle, maybe it’s picking that fight with your partner when you know you are ovulating. It’s delaying the appointment at the clinic as it just doesn’t feel safe to start having those conversations.

In Helen’s case below it was actively avoiding trying to conceive.

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I kept having horrible flashbacks about my ectopic pregnancy and was scared to try and conceive naturally. It felt like a big issue that scared me and dominated my thoughts and actions. I wanted to change my thought patterns and knew I couldn’t do it on my own. 

I felt a shift about my feelings to past events during the session. Beforehand my ectopic felt like a magnified image in my mind and lots of emotions were attached to it. Afterwards the event seemed much further away, like it happened but I was slightly separated from it. It didn’t take up so much space in my mind and the emotional fear had disappeared. 

The next morning I felt a desire to try naturally. There was no fear and it seemed like the obvious solution. I woke up on Sunday morning thinking I’m having a lovely weekend – a new thought for me. Everything seemed much clearer. On Monday morning I felt carefree. A glimpse of my old happy self.

I can help you

I have spent the past 9 years working in the field of fertility and the emotional side of infertility is a subject matter that is rarely talked about. We as a society are merrily lining women up to go into expensive, intrusive and physically draining treatment before looking at the underlying emotional reasons why they are not able to get or stay pregnant.

If your belief is that the stress you’re experiencing is having a negative impact on your fertility then I can help.

If your belief is that it’s not safe for you to get pregnant then I can help.

If your belief is that our beliefs have no bearing on our physical bodies and you just want to feel less anxious and angry all the time then I can help.

If your belief is that you won’t cope during this next round of treatment and you want empathic emotional support both in preparation and during then I can help.

If your belief is you will completely fall apart if this next round is not successful then I can help.

Your Fertility Specialist

I have been supporting women struggling to conceive since March 2013 and completed my Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner training later that year with Emma Roberts and Sue Beer.

I then trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Hypnotherapy at the renowned Quest Institute in London.

I am the creator of The Embrace Fertility Method and use these five steps in my work with one to one clients and this 12 week mind-body program. 

I have articles published in top fertility and mind-body publications such as IVF Babble and I am a Fertility Road Magazine expert contributor.

My story

The pilot of The Embrace Fertility Method course was created while I was going through infertility and IVF myself. It documented the shift I experienced, the learning to let go.

My husband and I went through 4 rounds of fertility treatment. I entered the first three feeling anxious, depressed and struggling to cope both physically and emotionally.

The fourth round was successful but I miscarried eight weeks later.

I conceived my son naturally 3 months later after 46 months of trying to conceive.

This natural pregnancy can only be explained as luck by western medicine. I personally believe that it was due to the emotional shifts I had experienced over the previous 18 months.

My daughter was also conceived naturally on the first try 23 months later.

I add adapted and added to the course over the years to give you an even deeper experience.

I received a Highly Commended for Best Fertility Service from The European Fertility Society for which I am honored and very grateful to have my work recognised in this field.



The first session was like magic. I couldn’t believe how quickly it helped me.

Beforehand I just couldn’t stop thinking about infertility. Afterwards it receded a bit. It didn’t feel like the centre of the universe any more. 

I didn’t feel like bursting into tears all the time either. It was like a switch had been thrown in my mind. I almost felt absurd for how I had been feeling in the past.


Naomi has a gift of being able to get to the heart of an issue and guide you to better voice it through tapping.

I feel more empowered to overcome my binge eating. That although this has been a habit, addiction, and coping mechanism, I can still feel whole and even better without it. 

I’m really glad I choose this subject even though it’s not directly linked to infertility, I feel less stuck in the same thinking patterns.


I feel accepted and understood by Naomi and I don’t have to hold back. I feel heard by her and she is helping me to hear myself.

I realise how much I hold back generally and I’m realising now it’s ok not to be ok and to be completely honest with myself, not just say the right thing to myself or to others.


I felt as though as though my mind was completely consuming and draining all my energy it was a sense of relief to work with Naomi.

It felt good to have the support on this journey they can often feel so lonely and you often feel like a burden towards friends and family so having someone completely separate knowing they are supporting and providing useful feedback and information.


I was struggling with negativity and fear. The visualisation in our last session I felt helped calm some of my fears about the future and make them less scary. 

Naomi has held my hand through the emotional rollercoaster of fertility. Checking in on me and giving me tips and info along the way. Her resources really helped get me through my first IVF cycle and beyond.


During our session my fears were completely released in both my mind and body. I had logically thought through my challenge, but I was still having anxiety.

Afterwards my anxiety was fully released. It was truly incredible. I seriously love your coaching style and technique. You get to the root of the problem very quickly, you know exactly what techniques to use and your voice is so soothing.

Case Study 

Here is a case study of working with a fertility client and the type of shift that is possible using the mind-body techniques I specialise in. Shared with permission.
1. What did you think of the AMDR technique?
The different parts of the technique were helpful in their own way. Just talking through negative beliefs and identifying them, saying them out loud is a relief in its own but going through them and finding an antidote statement helped to open my mind to the possibility. When I have negative beliefs it can be difficult to think anything is true outside of the belief so working through them and finding an alternative statement was eye opening. When I think about my life without the negative beliefs my body felt much more at ease. When starting the bilateral tapping a whole body relaxation occurred which allowed my mind to be clear, moving to the butterfly tapping literally did feel like there were new connections being made in my body. Although so much of this was working on my mindset and thoughts around time and our fertility journey it really became more of a whole body experience.
2. What happened for you in terms of a mindset shift during the session?
Initially my mind was occupied around the passing of time and the continued months that passed without a positive pregnancy test. After the session it was not that this thought was erased but when I had the thought there was no negative feeling associated with it. I could think it but I did not feel connected or defined by it, and it did not give me the same emotions of sadness, failure, hopelessness that the thoughts brought on before. I shifted more into a mindset of opportunity and hope while feeling I could be more present and not as preoccupied by these thoughts.
3. How are you feeling now looking back on the session?
I’m feeling hopeful again and much more present. Looking back on the session I can see how my thoughts and beliefs do not necessarily have to be my truth.
4. How do you feel now when you think about the original negative scenarios?
I feel they are untrue. I feel my mindset is stronger in a way, that these thoughts can come into my mind but I can let them go without them causing a cascade of negative emotions that then impact my attitude, mood and feelings about our fertility journey.
This session was in September and Jamie had a successful IVF round in October following working with me from March.

The Shift 90 Day Support Package:


Discovery Session:

Detailed history take on your personal circumstances and we solidify what you would like to achieve over the coming months. In cognitive hypnotherapy we always set a goal that we can work towards to keep the therapy focused and to allow us to monitor success. 

The Embrace Fertility Method: 

You have full access to my signature 12 week program The Embrace Fertility Method with all bonuses, group coaching sessions and the Embrace Circle support community. Full details shown here.

Therapy/Coaching Sessions:

As a practising Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Applied Movement Desensitisation & Reconsolidation (AMDR) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner I work with women across the globe and tailor our sessions to meet your needs. This includes interventions to clear emotional blocks and limiting beliefs. 
Having specialised in mind-body fertility therapy for the past eight years I have supported women (and on occasion their partners) through infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, low sperm and azoospermia diagnosis, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, IUIs, IVF, ICSI, miscarriage, stillbirth, epitopic pregnancy, seveve morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum), pregnancy anxiety, birth preparation and birth trauma.
I also specialise in therapy for infertility trauma which can be so beneficial and so needed as going through infertility can be emotionally traumatic, add in invasive medical procedures, investigations and surgery and our bodies can experience physical trauma. 
As part of the package I will write and record you your own personal hypnosis MP3 which will be specific to exactly what you want to achieve. I will use your own language and representational system so this is created purely for you and is therefore incredibly powerful.

The Shift Package


Split payment plan £832 x 3 months

  • The full 12 week Embrace Fertility Method online course with 9 core modules and 6 enhance modules

    – 10 bonuses inc group coaching calls and Embrace Circle Support Group


    – In depth video feedback on your opening questionnaire

    – 6 x 75 minute therapy/fertility coaching sessions with Naomi

    – Video recordings of your session so you can refer back to it

    – Personal visualistations/mediataions within your sessions

    – MP3s of the above so you can listen again

    – Telegram voice note support throughout the 12 weeks

    – Welcome box for all Shift members

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If you are interested in joining The Embrace Fertility Method without one to one sessions click here.


of the women who completed The Embrace Fertility Method in 2023 say it helped them in the way they hoped it would.


of the woman I supported with 1 to 1 sessions in 2023 choose to continue being supported by me following the initial 12 weeks with either continued fertility support or early pregnancy support.


of my clients who reached 20 weeks pregnancy in 2022 choose to take my Embrace Bump to Baby Hypnobirthing course to prepare for birth.

Ongoing care

Two of my fertility clients who conceived and had their babies last year are now receiving new mum support sessions with me.

Let’s talk:

Would you like to discuss working together? Complete the interest form below and I’ll be in touch in the next 48 hours.

We’ll get crystal clear on what you are struggling with at the moment, how you would prefer to be feeling and what your 3 month goal is.

If you feel the Shift Package may be right for we can jump on a video call to discuss. At the end of the call, if it makes sense we can have a conversation about working together.

“Even though we only spoke for half an hour I found it hugely beneficial. It was also lovely to have a proper chat and feel your passion and energy live and for real!” – Heather


Shift Package Availability

The Shift Package with 1 to 1 Therapy Evening and Weekend sessions 1 space 

The Shift Package with 1 to 1 Therapy Daytime sessions 9am – 3pm GMT 2 spaces


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Disclaimer: The results of my clients are amazing, however no guarantees are made that you will become pregnant using the techniques, ideas and classes I provide. The agreement to work on issues presented by clients does not guarantee a cure, a pregnancy or a baby.