The Embrace Fertility Method
Double your chances of pregnancy success with study backed mind-body techniques
12 week online course and group coaching with Fertility Therapist Naomi Woolfson
Let’s just say it, trying to get pregnant and not getting pregnant totally sucks.
It completely messes with your head
and your heart
and your body
and your work
and your relationships.
No area of your life is left untouched.
You want to do everything in your power to have a baby and be a mum.
You are SO READY to step into this next phase of your life and instead you’re stuck in this weird limbo land.
You are doing ALL. THE. THINGS. and still nothing is happening. Or maybe you’ve been pregnant and then lost your much longed for baby. Either way your arms ache to hold your child.
You don’t know if you can take much more.
I can definitely relate to the above. During our second round of fertility treatment I had my first panic attack on the London Underground.
I was suffering from extreme anxiety, depression, insomnia and digestive problems.

I was so scared that I might never get to be a mum, to care and play with the children that I so desperately wanted.
I was at rock bottom
I just couldn’t do this any more, it was just too hard. From the first moment I woke up in the morning all I could think about was the fact that I was infertile and it was so unfair.
The friends that did know we were trying (I mainly kept it a closely guarded secret) were saying things like:

I knew that my stress levels were through the roof but I didn’t know HOW to relax, I didn’t know HOW to release the fear that I might never get to hold my own baby.
Infertility was CAUSING my stress but was the stress also now part of the cause of my infertility?
I was determined to find out so I joined a stress reduction course. As the weeks passed, the panic attacks stopped and the depression lifted.
I became absorbed by the research on stress in regards to infertility and how you can enhance fertility using the mind-body link.
Here's what I found:
Did you know that women undergoing fertility treatment experience the same level of stress, anxiety and depression as women who have cancer, HIV or heart disease?
Did you know that women suffering from depression, stress and anxiety are twice as likely to have problems conceiving?
And women who have experienced at least one unsuccessful IVF cycle and had depressive symptoms before continuing IVF treatment experienced a lower success rate than women who did not experience depressive symptoms.*

The flip side
The flip side of this being that introducing ways of reducing stress can improve your quality of life while trying to conceive or going through treatment. Studies indicate that if you alleviate anxiety and depression in infertile women it appears to make it easier for them to become pregnant.

I left my career in design and retrained as a therapist and for the past eight years, I have worked to raise the level of understanding about this diagnosis – from the debilitating emotional impact and the overwhelming feelings of sadness, helplessness and grief. To the simple yet powerful mind-body techniques that provide relief and build resilience during this highly emotive time and greatly increase the chances of conceiving.
You want to do everything in your power to have a baby and be a mum.

Imagine feeling calm and confident that you are doing everything in your power to support your body in conceiving and carrying your baby.
Imagine working through the conscious, unconscious, physical and energetic blocks that may be preventing you from getting or staying pregnant.
Imagine not only living your life but loving your life even before seeing those two little lines.
Imagine once you are pregnant being able to enjoy it rather than worrying and counting down the days until your next scan.
All of this is possible. I know because I did it.
Learning and practising the mind body techniques I now teach allowed me to become the happiest I had ever been BEFORE I saw those two little lines.
I got pregnant on our fourth round of fertility treatment but then miscarried and instead of plummeted back into depression I felt calm and strong.
It is possible to improve your fertility and feel good now
The Shift
I knew that I had the strength to keep going.
I knew that I was meant to be a mother.
I knew I would be ok.
This is known as the shift.
When everything else on the outside looks exactly the same; you’re still not pregnant, you’re still not a mum but you feel completely different and you KNOW you will be ok.
I now help women around the world to experience their own shift.
PS. I fell pregnant naturally 12 weeks after the miscarriage with my son Jasper and again 23 months later with my daughter Evie.
And it’s not just me there there is a link between women experiencing this shift and a change in their outer world too.
“The two key things I loved and that I feel helped me more than anything else, were your take on ‘positive’ thinking, and the attitude of ‘yes please!’ to seeing other pregnant women. I was lucky enough to have IVF at Guys, where the success rates for a blastocyst transfer for someone my age (33) was around 50%. It was so much easier to say to myself “well, it works for 50% of the people, so why shouldn’t that include me too?”, rather than “this will work, this will work!”. It meant that my husband and I entered IVF very positively, and managed to laugh a lot throughout. PS I started the course as I was beginning my first cycle of IVF, and I am very chuffed to say that I am now 14 weeks pregnant. I sincerely believe that the techniques you share, especially EFT (which, you are right, I did feel daft doing, but had a strange magnetic draw which meant I returned to it when things were tough) played a part.”
Introducing the Embrace Fertility Method – 12 week course
Giving you the tools to enhance your fertility.
Empowering you to feel calm and confident while trying to conceive and during pregnancy following infertility.
- Overcome anxiety and negative thinking to find peace of mind.
- Begin to love and trust your body at a deep level.
- Access your inner strength and build your resilience.
- Connect with others and forge new friendships with people in a similar situation to yourself.
- Prepare for your next step – be that a lifestyle change, a treatment option or pregnancy itself.
- Build a toolkit to help you throughout your journey, to combat jealousy, anger, worry and fear.
- Strengthen your relationship with your partner.
- Recapture the excitement of when you first decided to try for a baby.
- Develop patience, trust in yourself and your ability to handle anything in your life.
Through my professional therapy training and experience in supporting women struggling with infertility for the past 11 years I have created The Embrace Fertility Method™.

You may have tried some of these techniques in the past and loved them or loathed them. It’s not that they don’t work for you, you just need a tried and tested method of applying them in the correct order in a way that allows each technique to enhance and build on the one previous.
What we will cover:
Week 1: Set the foundation
An introduction to the transformative techniques that you will be using for the next three months.
Week 2: Coping with a negative
Powerful ways to help you deal with a negative result, thought or physical sensation.
Week 3: Reconnect with Your Body
Our mind and body are interconnected. Begin to love and trust your body again.
Week 4: Clearing for Conception
Exercises to uncover and dissolve any energetic or emotional blocks to conception.
Week 5: Enhance week
Choose an Enhance Module from the bonus library that resonates with what you need right now.
Week 6: Letting Go and acceptance
Letting go does not mean giving up, it is coming to a place of acceptance in your current situation and allowing life to unfold with ease.
Week 7: Visualise Your Future
We will be discussing why setting goals from a place of feeling is so important, taking inspired action and using visualisation to hone in on exactly what you want your future to look like including connecting with your future child.
Week 8: Setting Your Holistic Vision
Thinking about how you want ALL areas of your life to look both now and in your future opens up limitless possibilities and you can start to play with how you feel about things now.
Week 9: Intuition and Intention
We practise an intuition enhancing meditation and I invite you to create a visual representation of what you would like to attract into your life.
Weeks 10 and 11: Enhance weeks
Choose Enhance Modules from the bonus library that resonate with what you need right now.
Week 12: This is just the beginning
We will create an ongoing support plan for the next stage on your journey incorporating the tools and techniques you have practiced over the past weeks. We will be discussing how to keep yourself moving forward towards parenthood.

As the months passed my excitement dwindled and my reaction to pregnancy announcements turned from joy to jealousy. I felt lost and left behind. Was this really happening to me? Why couldn’t I get pregnant?
I felt ashamed and a failure. I didn’t want to talk about what I was going through as it was just too painful. I distanced myself emotionally from my friends and family while I dealt with my inner turmoil myself. I didn’t feel like me. I hated life and what I was going through.
When I started Embrace I thought it was totally ridiculous that my thinking was causing my pain – it’s the situation I’m in, not me! But now I can see that it is my thinking. I accept that right now, in this moment, I am fine. Not dwelling on the past or the future makes my journey easier. My desire for a baby hasn’t gone but I know the best way to make it happen is to feel complete now.
I stopped letting fertility define me and trusted my intuition that everything will be ok and I can and will get pregnant.
Meditation, tapping, 1:1 support from Naomi and most of all Embrace, have turned my journey around. My affirmation is ‘I am a young, fertile goddess!’
Keeping my mind and emotions on track isn’t easy. That’s what we’re all here to help each other do. Knowing I’m not the only one in this crazy boat is such a comfort. I have met so many beautiful, strong souls through Embrace and for that I’ll always grateful. I am doing everything in my control to welcome our baby by nourishing my mind, body and spirit.
Deep down I know that my happy ending is not a positive pregnancy test. My happy ending is embracing life and enjoying each and every moment. But please let it be a baby as well.

The Embrace Fertility Method
8 spaces
- The full 12 week course with 9 core modules and 6 enhance modules
- 10 bonuses inc. group coaching calls and Embrace Circle Support Group
- 21 day money back guarantee
- Instant access to online hub with live group calls every second Tuesday evenings 8.30pm BST.
Split payment plan £332 for 3 months = £996
Split payment plan £249 for 4 months = £996
The Shift Package
4 spaces
- The full 12 week course with 9 core modules and 6 enhance modules
- 10 bonuses inc group coaching calls and Embrace Circle Support Group
- 21 day money back guarantee
- Instant access to online hub with live group calls every second Tuesday evenings 8.30pm BST.
- In depth video feedback on your opening questionnaire
- 6 x 75 minute therapy/fertility coaching sessions with Naomi
- Video recordings of your session so you can refer back to it
- Personal visualistations/ meditations within your sessions
- MP3 of the above so you can listen again
-Telegram voice note support throughout the 12 weeks
- Welcome box for all Shift members
Enhance Modules
Pick what you need when you need it
1: Coping with Jealousy
I have decided to include this bonus on coping with jealousy as for me this was one of the most difficult things to deal with and if you shift this your whole energy shifts.
2:Reconnecting with your partner
How you show love and how your partner shows love can be two very different things!
3: Healing loss and grief
Beautiful and comforting techniques to deal with the heartache of a infertility and miscarriage.
“The course took me out of feeling depressed about my fertility problems. The biggest shift for me has been feeling like it was possible for me to be a mother and not so hopeless about what I have been through so far. It took away some of the pain.” – Ruth Embrace Member
4:Clearing Fears of labour and birth
This is a biggy and so worth addressing during infertility. Includes the first week of my hypnobirthing course.
5:Art Therapy Module
The health benefits of art therapy and how to use art for clearing and creating.
Mother’s Day, Christmas, our birthdays, weddings and family celebrations are a time when it is really difficult not to think about how we had expected our lives to turn out. I share numerous techniques for not only surviving but thriving during holidays and family gatherings.

BONUS 1: Hypnosis for Pain Relief
It might surprise you to learn that hypnosis can give complete relief from pain. This works due to the fact that pain is subjective. The body sends sensory messages to the brain via our nerves and spinal-cord. Our mind then processes that information and sends impulses back down from the brain with messages to amplify, diminished or ignore those physical sensations. Painkilling drugs intercept these messages and lessen our experience of the physical sensation. Hypnosis works in the same way by intercepting these messages and instructing our unconscious, the part of us which controls all of our bodily functions, to diminish or ignore them therefore giving us relief.
BONUS 2: Deep Rest – Supercharge your sleep
Nourish your mind and body with deep rest and replenishing sleep with this magical MP3.
“I’ve been resting/meditating/taking 15 mins out of my life with Naomi’s Yoga Nidra practice since October last year when I attended one of her One Day Retreats. The retreat was amazing, but the gift of Yoga Nidra I use almost daily. Never just before bed because I leave my phone in the kitchen, but normally immediately when I’ve finished work or early evening I will rest with the Yoga Nidra and then I always, without fail, feel refreshed! Thank you, Naomi, for giving me such a wonderful tool, which has had a big impact on the way I feel.” – Donna T.
BONUS 3 : Yoga class videos.
Three pre-recorded one calming, one for the 2 week wait and one for early pregnancy.
BONUS 4 : Quantum flow
Three pre-recorded 30 minute Quantum flow practises to allow us to feel grounded and connected, release what is not useful to us, and call in what we desire, on a physical and energetic level with the fabulous Pippa Moss.
“Pippa’s quantum flow classes are very calming yet powerful. She gently guides you through the techniques and I feel very supported and held by her even though watching a video. I love the way I feel by the end of the class and the tingles in my body. I enjoy having a physical way to connect to my inner being as I spend the majority of the time in my head. These classes give me a new way to switch off the chatter and tune in with myself. I love the music too and am excited to share Pippa with my fertility clients.” – Naomi

BONUS 5: The Connection Film
This is an amazing film about the mind-body link and I have arranged a license so that Embrace Fertility members can watch it as part of the course.
BONUS 6: Natural Cycle and IVF Cycle Hypnosis Packs
Coping & comfort (Days 1 – 5): Incorporating simple techniques to bring your body out of stress response, including one for pain relief.
Creating space & conception (Days 6 – 16): Releasing resistance and negative beliefs, enhancing feelings of love and gratitude, and visualising the process of conception be that naturally or with assistance.
Connection & support (Day 17+): Supporting you through the two week wait, bringing your body into deep relaxation and connecting with your body, your future child and your inner strength.
“I have just done the Coping and Comfort hypnosis and feel like I’m in a blissful cloud of calm.” – Jos
“This hypnosis package has been amazing, it has brought me back to a calm and relaxed state every time I’ve gotten anxious, particularly through the 2 week wait. It’s had such a profound impact that I now generally feel calmer. I recommend it to anyone who is pursuing IVF, it’s one of the best investments I’ve made. We have been fortunate enough to have a successful second round of IVF and just wanted to thank you for your help.” – Preet
BONUS 7: I will teach you how to use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for supercharging your personal development and you will have access to a libary of tap along EFT videos on a host of topics such as fear of birth, overcoming jealousy and dissolving concerns and beliefs such as ‘I’m too old to have a baby’, ‘What if I’m a bad mum?’ and ‘I feel out of control’.
“I was feeling afraid of my upcoming IVF failing, so I did one of the EFT videos from the library and realised it was because I was predicting the outcome to be the be all and end all. i.e, if it failed that meant the final answer on if I would ever be a mum, like failing a test. The EFT video released that emotion and turned those thoughts around, then I felt optimism and less pressure and fear around the treatment.” – Becky Embrace Member

BONUS 8: Three months membership to The Embrace Circle online support community
A safe space to connect and share your experiences throughout the course and beyond. Lasting friendships are made in this group.
“I joined Embrace as I wanted to find acceptance that I may never conceive or carry to term a child. What I got was friendship in general, and the friendship that Karen and I built when we were pregnant together and continuing into motherhood. Totally unexpected but I’m very grateful.” – Heather Embrace Member
Please note both the support group and the group calls are a female only circle. Men are very welcome to take the course although the majority of the content is aimed at the partner who will be carrying the baby. I can recommend male support groups.
BONUS 9: Six live group meditation/coaching calls spread over the 3 months.
“I don’t know anyone else who has been through this, so it was great to connect with others who had.” – Rebecca Embrace Member
“I LOVED doing the exercises as a group.” – Nicole Embrace Member
BONUS 10: Early Pregnancy Resources
Early pregnancy yoga, morning sickness relief MP3, hypnosis and visualisation for pregnancy MP3 and affirmations for pregnancy MP3.
“I feel accepted and understood by Naomi and I don’t have to hold back. I feel heard by her and she is helping me to hear myself.
I realise how much I hold back generally and I’m realising now it’s ok not to be ok and to be completely honest with myself, not just say the right thing to myself or to others."
The Embrace Fertility Method has helped me feel more at peace with myself and the process of getting pregnant. It also helped me release limiting beliefs around getting pregnant. Our first IVF cycle was successful in week 6 of the course.
I’m enjoying everything about Embrace. I could shout about it from the rooftops! I enjoy watching/listening. It makes me feel less alone and like I’m talking to someone who really understands. I nod and smile as I’m listening.
Your Questions Answered
Who is The Embrace Fertility Method for?
How much time will I need to commit to the course?
When does the course start and when are the group calls?
“I think the Embrace course has come at just the time I most need it for helping with the emotional toll of what’s been a much longer journey to start a family than we hoped, and I’m enjoying learning new ways of seeing and thinking about things, and also being part of a community of others going through similar experiences.”

Frequently asked questions
Will this course help me get/stay pregnant?
When is the best time to take this course?
What if I join and then find out I’m pregnant?
How do I take the course?
It’s a big investment part of me thinks ‘Shouldn’t I save the money for fertility treatment?’
I’m worried about joining and then not doing the work
What if I join and change my mind?
You can join for 21 days and then if you feel the course really isn’t for you I will give you a full refund. I ask you to commit fully during these three weeks to really give yourself the best possible chance at allowing the shift that inevitably comes with doing this type of self exploration.

“The Embrace course is changing my the way I feel about myself.
Naomi is making me see myself the way the people I love see me.”

What about one to one support?
I’m a mind-body fertility coach and therapist. I am trained in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) and Applied Movement Desensitisation & Reconsolidation (AMDR). I work with women and men, across the globe and tailor our sessions to meet your needs.
For the past nine years, I have worked to raise the level of understanding about an infertility diagnosis – from the debilitating emotional impact and the overwhelming feelings of sadness, helplessness and grief, to the simple yet powerful mind-body techniques that provide relief and build resilience during this highly emotive time and greatly increase the chances of conceiving. If you would like one-to-one support you can upgrade to my Shift Package which includes all of the above plus:
– In depth video feedback on your opening questionnaire
– 6 x 75 minute therapy/fertility coaching sessions with me
– Video recordings of your session so you can refer back to it
– Personal visualisations/mediataions within your sessions
– MP3s of the above so you can listen again
– Video message/email support with me throughout the 12 weeks
If you would like to book a no obligation chat with me to discuss one to one support complete this form and I will be in touch in the next 48 hours. Contact form.
"During our session my fears were completely released in both my mind and body. I had logically thought through my challenge, but I was still having anxiety.
Afterwards my anxiety was fully released. It was truly incredible. I seriously love your coaching style and technique. You get to the root of the problem very quickly, you know exactly what techniques to use and your voice is so soothing."
"Going into the session I felt worried, anxious and fearful about my current and next steps of my journey.
Afterwards I felt relief in many ways but what was amazing was how much clarity came to me even after the session which truly reinforced the value of having that 1:1 time to dive deep into what I was currently going through.
Naomi makes you feel at home and is so easy to talk to which makes the session wonderful."
"I did an extra session to clear another area of emotional blockage. It was also very helpful to me. If I could afford it I would do one a week! I came away feeling uplifted and lighter which isn't always the way with talking therapy."
Your fertility specialist
I have been supporting women struggling to conceive since March 2013 and completed my Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner training later that year with Emma Roberts and Sue Beer.
I then trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Hypnotherapy at the renowned Quest Institute in London.
I am the creator of The Embrace Fertility Method and use these five steps in my work with one to one clients and this 12 week mind-body program.
I have articles published in top fertility and mindbody publications such as IVF Babble and I am a Fertility Road Magazine expert contributor.
The pilot of The Embrace Fertility Method course was created while I was going through infertility and IVF myself. It documented the shift I experienced, the learning to let go. Following the course I conceived my son naturally after 46 months of trying to conceive, four rounds of fertility treatment and a miscarriage. My daughter was also conceived naturally on the first try 23 months later.
I add adapted and added to the course over the years to give you an even deeper experience and offer additional support if you would like it.

The Embrace Fertility Method
9 spaces
- The full 12 week course with 9 core modules and 6 enhance modules
- 10 bonuses inc. group coaching calls and Embrace Circle Support Group
- 21 day money back guarantee
- Instant access to online hub with live group calls every second Tuesday evenings 8.30pm BST.
Split payment plan £332 for 3 months = £996
Split payment plan £249 for 4 months = £996
The Shift Package
3 spaces
- The full 12 week course with 9 core modules and 6 enhance modules
- 10 bonuses inc group coaching calls and Embrace Circle Support Group
- 21 day money back guarantee
- Instant access to online hub with live group calls every second Tuesday evening 8.30pm BST.
- In depth video feedback on your opening questionnaire
- 6 x 75 minute therapy/fertility coaching sessions with Naomi
- Video recordings of your session so you can refer back to it
- Personal visualistations/ meditations within your sessions
- MP3 of the above so you can listen again
- Telegram voice note support throughout the 12 weeks
- Welcome box for all Shift members
Disclaimer: The results of my clients are amazing, however no guarantees are made that you will become pregnant using the techniques, ideas and classes I provide. The agreement to work on issues presented by clients does not guarantee a cure, a pregnancy or a baby.